What to Expect

We invite you to join us Sunday mornings as we gather to worship the Lord and hear from Him through the teaching of His Word. Sunday morning worship services are centered around God and what He has spoken to us in the Bible. The human heart desperately needs Him. There is no satisfaction for the deepest longings of our hearts apart from Him. True and lasting joy comes only by knowing Him.

"Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you."
Psalm 73:25

We desperately need His Word. The Bible is God's truth imparted us and helps us know Him truthfully. His word is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that we may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. "
Psalm 119:105

We invite you to join us in the pursuit of knowing and learning from the Lord.

"Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near."
Isaiah 55:

It is our joy to have you with us today in worship! The kingdom of God does something in our hearts that causes us to want to serve and help others pursue their joy in God. Our joys are multiplied today because you are here with us. Please let us know of any way we may serve you.

First-Time Guests  We are grateful that you joined us today. As a thank you, we would like a chance to meet you and give you a free book as a token of our appreciation.

Connect Cards  Located in the pews are connect cards. If you are a guest, we ask that you fill out a card and drop it in the offering box  in the hallway. This will help us to know you a bit more and have a way to pray for any needs.

Want to Know Christ? If you have questions about your relationship with the Lord or have need of prayer, please visit with our pastor following this morning’s worship service. We consider it a great honor to spend time with you discussing life’s ultimate treasure.

The Monthly Grace Verse  Together we seek to internalize God’s Word in our hearts and minds for the sake of God’s glory and our joy. Each month, we will include a Bible memory verse in our worship service. We call these “Grace Verses.”

Care Groups  At GCC our care group ministry helps us declare God’s glory in a personal and practical way by encouraging and building up one another, and helping us to pursue our joy in God. We encourage everyone to join a group. Interested in a group? Please contact Joel Kindberg.

Offering  We do not expect our guests to support the church financially. However, if you consider Grace Covenant Church your home, please prayerfully consider supporting this ministry. An offering slot is located in the front hall.

Training Chapel/Cry Room  A room is reserved for parents with young children at the back right of the sanctuary. It is equipped with a live-feed from the worship service so that you can still be connected with the service while caring for your children.