Worship Service Order for Sunday, May 19, 2024

Welcome/Announcements/Call to Worship:

We sing a mix of hymns and contemporary music led by Troy Jassey

  Crown Him With Many Crowns

All Creatures Of Our God And King


Grace verse and prayer given by Dennis Fowler

Worship song and dismissal of children 3yrs old and younger to the nursery.

Christ Is Mine Forevermore

 Sermon by Ted Salley 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13

Song of response My Worth Is Not In What I Own

 Communion and Benediction led by Dennis Fowler Announcements


The Baby Bottle Campaign is held annually to raise money for the free, life-affirming services that Grace House Ministries provides to the community. The fundraiser starts Mother’s Day and ends on Father’s Day. Bottles can be found in the Foyer.

Wednesday night care group at the church - During the summer weeks, care groups will be taking place at the church beginning at 6:30pm. The elders, and guest teachers, will be teaching on a variety of subjects that will be helpful, children 0-4 years will be cared for in the extended session area whereas children ages 5-11 will be in the fellowship being taught lessons and songs to prepare them for VBS. This will start this Wednesday, May 1st.

Women of Grace Get ready for a fun night of Bunco on Wednesday, May 29th, from 6-8pm in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring a snack to share and a small prize of $10 or less. Sign up sheet is in the foyer.

Pantry Pounding – Tyler and Cassie Ivey will be moving into their new home on June 8th, and we would like to encourage them by filling their pantry that day! Please sign up in the foyer for one or more items and drop them off in the Fellowship Hall by Wednesday, June 5th. Please see Tanya Chesebrough or Jill Bishop with any questions.

Calling all GCC Movers - The Iveys will be rolling into town on the morning of Saturday, June 8th, and they would appreciate anyone who is available and willing to help them move their belongings from the moving truck into their residence, 713 W. Spring St, Weatherford at 9am.

 Baby Shower- All ladies are invited to a shower of prayer and blessing for Anna Tumulty and baby girl. It will be Sunday, June 9th following services. Anna is registered at Babylist.com

Attention plant lovers: the area where the hackberry tree was cut down on the east side of the church will be cleaned up soon. There are a lot of homestead iris plants there. If anyone would like to give a new home to these iris plants, please feel free to go and dig them up.

MLP and Men’s breakfast - For the month of May, MLP and our men’s breakfast will be put on hold.

Youth Night Sunday, May 26th 6-8pm will be a fun night of fellowship with Josh Bishop teaching over 1John 3, be sure to keep reading through 1John to prepare for our study.

Conference GCC will be hosting the Hope for the Journey Conference on June 21st & 22nd (Friday, 5:30-8pm & Saturday, 8:30am-4pm--Doors open at listed times with Conference starting PROMPTLY 30 minutes after).  The conference is designed to equip and encourage parents and caregivers meeting the needs of children impacted by adoption and/or foster care or other hard circumstances. Bringing together teaching, resources, and practical experiences, parents and caregivers (and the churches, organizations and community seeking to serve these children and families) will grow in their understanding of these children’s needs by gaining knowledge through TBRI (Trust Based Relational Intervention). Registration fee is $15 per individual or $25 per couple and includes snacks, Saturday lunch, childcare (if needed) and seminar.  Register today by visiting the following link. Registration closes on June 5th. Please reach out to Jacob or Ashlyn Kindberg with any questions. Please only one person per household fill out the registration form.

Gospel Tracts: In the bookstore we have placed the gospel tract ‘What is the Gospel’ by Greg Gilbert. This is a free resource so please take several with you to aid in your gospel sharing with family, friends, and neighbors, then come back for some more once you have handed out all of these. Our hope and desire is to provide these as a continual free resource to you all to support your evangelism efforts.

 GCC t-shirts are now available in the foyer, the cost per shirt is $10.

 Gluten free wafers for Communion are now available in the foyer for those that need them.

 Men’s prayer will be this Friday @ 6am at the building, and will be every Friday thereafter.

 Ultimate Frisbee Come join us for a fun game of ultimate frisbee McGrattan Park in Weatherford (behind honeybee ham). We play at 10AM most Saturdays. See the Facebook page ‘Weatherford Ultimate’ for info on the game. Contact Tim Long at 661-433-5613 for more info.

 Lost and Found There is a lost and found section at the end of the hallway of the kids Sunday School classrooms. We have a growing collection of toys, Bibles, water and coffee jugs, dishes, etc. If you think you left something in the building, please check this lost and found area. Whatever doesn’t get reclaimed will be donated to the church or manna at the end of this month.