Worship Service Order for Sunday, March 9, 2025

Welcome/Announcements/Call to Worship:

We sing a mix of hymns and contemporary music led by Troy Jassey



Hallelujah For The Cross


Grace verse and prayer given by Tyler Ivey

Worship song and dismissal of children 3yrs old and younger to the nursery.

Speak O Lord

 Sermon by Joel Kindberg All Things Are Yours 1 Corinthians 3:16–23

Song of response Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me

 Communion and Benediction led by Ted Salley


Men of GCC Session 3 of the Exemplary Husband study will be on March 11th at 6:30pm where Man's Responsibility to Christ, in love and leadership will be discussed. Please read chapters 7-9 of Exemplary Husband to prepare. A few books are still available and childcare will be provided. Please see Dennis Fowler if you have any questions.

Dyson baby shower All ladies are invited to a Baby Shower of Prayer & Blessing for Bailey Dyson and her baby girl Lorrie. It will be Sunday, March 9th, following the worship service in the Fellowship Hall. There is a food sign-up sheet in the church foyer. Bailey is registered at https://my.babylist.com/dylan-bailey-dyson-registry

GCC Yard Sale At our new property, 5950 FM 920, GCC will host a yard sale to raise money for our building/property fund. Your own items can be donated to the yard sale on March 15th from 9am to Noon, and the proceeds will go towards our current renovation’s costs. Clothing items cannot be accepted. All those who call GCC their home will have first pick at the sale on Thursday, March 20th from 5pm to 7pm. The sale will be open to the public Friday and Saturday, March 21-22nd. Volunteers are very much needed.

Resting Month Beginning on March 30th running through April 30th, we are taking a month of strategic rest for the purpose of passionate ministry. Therefore, our weekly ministries (Sunday School, Care Groups, etc) except corporate worship and Foundations will take a break. Foundations will continue as scheduled on March 30th for their last session. We pray this time is filled with rest and fellowship with one another.

Spotify GCC has a Spotify account playlist with over 4 hours of music that includes many songs regularly sung in corporate worship at GCC.  While this list includes several songwriters we value, it is not meant as endorsement or theological alignment with any particular groups but rather song versions that somewhat align to how we sing corporately. Please click here to add the GCC playlist to your Spotify library.

Sermon Audio Update: Live Sermons are no longer streamed on Facebook but on our website directly. Go to “TEACHING” and then click on “LIVE SERMONS” if you are away on Sunday mornings. Additionally, our sermons and Sunday school lessons for 2024 are uploaded on a platform called “Sermon Audio”. You can find our church by searching “Grace Covenant Church Weatherford” at: www.sermonaudio.com You can also download their app for your phone. Please reach out to Tyler for any questions or help.

 Gospel Tracts: In the bookstore we have placed the gospel tract ‘What is the Gospel’ by Greg Gilbert. This is a free resource so please take several with you to aid in your gospel sharing with family, friends, and neighbors, then come back for some more once you have handed out all of these. Our hope and desire is to provide these as a continual free resource to you all to support your evangelism efforts.

 GCC t-shirts are now available in the foyer, the cost per shirt is $10.

 Gluten free wafers for Communion are now available in the foyer for those that need them.

 Men’s prayer will be this Friday @ 6am at the building, and will be every Friday thereafter.

 Ultimate Frisbee Come join us for some ultimate frisbee fun on Saturday mornings at 9am at Cartright Park (at the soccer complex, near Sunshine lake) in Weatherford.  We are there most Saturday mornings. Ultimate Frisbee is a fast moving and fun game with 2 teams, where you pass the disc to your teammates to advance it down the field.  All skill levels are welcome – even if you have never heard of it.  We are very patient with new players. Just come for the exercise and fun!  Contact Tim Long at 661-433-5613 (phone) or at tcclong@yahoo.com (email) for more information.

Pickleball Come out to play some pickleball at Love Street park every Sunday at 4pm. This invitation is open to everyone, including whole families. Whether you are an experienced player or have never played and want to learn, please join us. Contact Jacob Kindberg if you have any questions.

 Lost and Found There is a lost and found section at the end of the hallway of the kids Sunday School classrooms. We have a growing collection of toys, Bibles, water and coffee jugs, dishes, etc. If you think you left something in the building, please check this lost and found area. Whatever doesn’t get reclaimed will be donated to the church or manna at the end of this month.